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Rejoice and Be Glad!

4TH SUNDAY OF LENT (Laetare Sunday) [ John 3: 14-21 ]    JOY in the midst of woes. The Fourth Sunday of Lent is also called Laetare  Sunday. Laetare  means ‘rejoice’. The priest wears ‘rose’ vestment which symbolises ‘joy’. Even the entrance antiphon reflects on Isaiah 66: 10-11, “Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exalt and be satisfied at her consoling breast.” In the midst of our sombre Lenten observances, fasts and penances, dear Mother Church calls us to rejoice with great hope and jubilant joy because we are already halfway through the forty days of Lent – Easter is at hand! We, who are as if in the tunnel of darkness, are called to raise our heads high to see the flicker of Christ’ light at the of the tunnel. Our salvation is near. Our salvation is here. Christ's light in the midst of darkness.    JOY is not a thing. JOY is in us. Richard Wayner, a composer and theatre director, wrote, “Joy is not a thing....

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