Close Shave

It was about 11pm and I have just left the Low Cost Carriage Terminal (LCCT), cruising down South to Johor Bahru to meet client the following day.
I must have been very exhausted after the flight, and I must have dozed off a second or two while driving. When I regained my consciousness, a meter ahead of my car was a slow moving trailer. I was tremendously terrified at the sight of the trailer in front. Cruising at a speed of 110km/h and crashing into such gigantic trailer would surely be a huge disaster for me. If my car was to crashed into the trailer, my car would have gone straight into its belly and I would be either dead or severely injured.

The fear of such horrific death gripped me. I panicked and without second thought stepped on the brake as hard as I could. My whole body froze while braking: I pushed my whole body backward, with my arms straight to keep my head away from the steering wheel.

I could hear the screeching of the tyres with black smoke rising from underneath. The wheels went out of control, swaying from left to right, right to left; and I tried my best to regain control over the car and the situation.

My car finally swerved to the right, landed on the fast land and came to a complete stop. I was fortunate enough for not hitting the trailer in front of me, landed on the fast lane without hitting into the divider, and furthermore, the coast was clear and I was not hit by the car coming from behind. I have escaped both the frying pan and the fire!

I survived the potential tragedy by the skin of the teeth and I was indeed grateful that the Lord has been merciful to me. It was a close shave and was glad that I was still alive.

(Floral Fest 2010, Putrajaya)


  1. I hope it was not as bad as you have described. But if it is, you should seriously plan your schedule in a better way. Take care.

  2. I'm afraid it was as serious as I have described.

    Lesson learnt.

    Not a word of this to Mum. She will be scared to death.

  3. Gosh!! This is no joke my friend. In fact, I have been wondering what are ways that we can do (having being so busy and tight schedule) to make sure we are always fit for travelling and at the same time can get our work done. Coffee? Rest at the first sign of drowsiness?? etc..

  4. Actually, I have stopped by a few times: to wash my face, to buy snacks and drinks to boost my energy level etc. I have even stopped by twice to take naps.

    I think to some extend the naps have helped me with the "response time" or I might not have reacted fast enough to avoid the accident.

    Well, I guess the best thing is still to get enough sleep and rest before the long journey. That is still the best antidote.


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