Law and Order


[ Matthew 5: 17-37 ]

   Law and order.

According to John Austin, a legal theorist and philosopher (1790-1859), LAW is ‘a set of commands or instructions set and given by the superior being(s) to the inferior being(s)’. Synonymously, law is also known as canon, ordinance, precept, regulation, rule, and statute. As we already know, laws are essential and necessary to maintain the order of a community and to uphold the common good.

In Malaysia, the main legislations (the Federal Constitution and the Principal Acts) are enacted by the Yang Dipertuan Agong (the King) at the advice and consent of the federal legislative assembly (the Dewan Rakyat and the Dewan Negara). Therefore, when a Malaysian wilfully disobeys, opposes or rejects the Federal Constitution and/or one of the Principal Acts, he or she – in a way – disobeys, opposes or rejects the Yang Dipertuan Agong (the King).

   God’s law and God’s order.

In Christianity, God gives us laws too; He is the Supreme Law-giver and the Supreme Judge. God’s Law, as it is given by God, must be followed perfectly. His divine Law refreshes us, revives us, enlivens us and enables us to live in union with Him and in harmony with one another.

Firstly, the laws of nature and the natural systems are the foundation of God’s creation. The entire creation is shaped, upheld and sustained by God's law and God’s order. God’s law and God’s order are inscribed and instilled in all God’s creation, in all life, in all things, and in every human heart. [cf. YouCat 45] Therefore, the laws of nature and the natural systems must be respected.

And, throughout the history of salvation, God taught, instructed and commanded His people through the patriarchs, judges, prophets and kings in the Old Testament. Unlike the other commandments (613 Jewish regulations) written by Moses, the Decalogue (‘Ten Words’ or the Ten Commandments) are pre-eminently the words of God, written with ‘the finger of God’, revealed to His people on Mount Sinai. [cf. CCC 2056] Therefore, the Decalogue remains valid, relevant, mandatory, compulsory and obligatory for all Christians.

In the fullness of time, Jesus – the Eternal Son of God – came. Jesus has not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, instead He has come to complete them. It is in the person of Jesus that we find the full meaning of the Commandments.

God’s Law (the laws of nature, natural systems and the Commandments) help us to order our hearts, our minds and our lives towards union with God and harmony with one another. Keeping God’s Law and teaching others to keep it are the basic responsibility of every Christian. When a Christian wilfully disobeys, opposes or rejects God’s Law and God’s Order – or teaches others to do so – he or she disobeys, opposes or rejects God, His Truth and His Love.

Jesus has warned us [Mt 18: 6] that, “If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

   The NEW standard higher than the old.

As the Sermon on the Mount continues today, we hear Jesus repeatedly saying, “You have learnt how it was said…, BUT I SAY THIS TO YOU…”

Jesus, our King and Giver of Law, has come to give meaning, purpose, fulfilment and completion to the ‘old’ law. He is giving us a NEW standard higher than the old.

  • We must not kill! It is a sin to kill our brother and sister with our spiteful tongues and in our angry hearts. Abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and human cloning  too, are assaults against the sanctify of human life and human dignity.

  • We must not commit adultery! It is a sin to lust for another person in our hearts and in our minds.

  • Divorce and remarriage are not part of God’s plan. The sanctity and indissolubility of marriage between a man and a woman is to be upheld, ‘what therefore God has joined together, let not man (or woman) put asunder’ [Mk 10: 9].

  • We must be truthful and honest because God Himself is Truth: let our ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ be no’.

Yes, Jesus is expecting MORE from us: not just our obedience to the ‘text’ of the Law, but our obedience to the ‘spirit’ of the Law. Our obedience to the law must be from our hearts and minds. He has sternly told us [Mt 5: 20], “If your virtues goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will NEVER get into the kingdom of God.”

And that is not all, Jesus also warns us that we WILL go to hell unless we repent of our sins and change our evil ways [Mt 5: 29-30], “If your eye should cause you to sin, tear it out… If your hand cause you to sin, cut it off.” Indeed, unless we cut off our sinful habits and inordinate attachments, we WILL go to hell.

   If you wish, you can… [Ec 15: 16]

Can anyone be saved then?

‘This commandment… is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away. It is not in heaven… neither is it beyond the sea… No, the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe.’ [Dt 30: 11-14]

The First Reading [Ec 15: 16-20] reminds us, “If you wish, you can keep the commandments, to behave faithfully is WITHIN your power.” Yes, we are given the choice and the power to choose between water and fire, life and death, heaven and hell, God and godlessness.

Therefore, with God’s grace, let us always consciously choose God and conscientiously live virtuously based on God’s Law and Commandments because the salvation of our souls depends on it.

Let our fervent prayer be:

   “Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening.” [1 Sm 3: 9]

Let us also pray that God’s justice, peace, truth and love may prevail in Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Nicaragua.
