Christianity Redefined

Christianity has been gradually secularized and losing its true identity. This was my lament to a non-Christian friend when we were having a chat on world religion.

My friend’s first impression of church is a group of people coming together singing, dancing, partying and socializing. And he thought church activities are avenues to make friends and meet girls... Gosh, what signals we are sending out to the world, I wonder. We can not simply blame the evangelical churches for organizing “happening events” to attract crowds until the world sees that Christians are merely a bunch of merry makers, party goers and a noisy group of people.

Even within the Catholic Church, many prefer fun filled activities to solemn sessions. We choose talking over listening, man-made noise over heavenly silence, fast music over slow chanting, and charismatic prayer over silent meditative prayer... We want to see miracles performed and not graces under the guise of sufferings. We want to receive abundantly but never to give till it hurts. We want our prayers answered but refuse to be the answer to someone prayer. We go to Church but failed to see that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Christianity has become an elite club for people to come, enjoy and go. Things are done outwardly for people to see; just superficial act. We pay God lip services but our hearts wander far... Nothing goes deeper. We are people without depths...

Until we change ourselves, we can never change how people think of us... Christianity needs to be redefined...
