When One Is Never Enough...

As the ministers are trying to reassure the people that the police are doing their jobs well and that the crime rate in Malaysia is under control, I spotted this car in the multi-storeyed car park near my office. For your information, the car park is equipped with CCTVs and guarded by securities. Still the car owner is feeling insecure.
A picture paints a thousand words: it shows the public confidence towards our half past six government, the corrupted and trigger-happy police force, and the hiking crime rate in Malaysia.
And I have a very similar experience. My office is on the second floor and it has a wooden door and an iron grill. To enter my office, I have to unlock two locks on the wooden door and unlock the padlock on the iron grill.
Now the security has been tightened all the more. We have just installed another iron grill at the staircase to the second floor. And this iron grill is protected by two other padlocks.
That is not all! At the entrance to the staircase on ground floor, there is an existing wooden door!
It means to say every morning when I go to office, I have to unlock the wooden door at ground floor. That is the first level security system.
Then half way up the staircase, I am blocked by the second level security system. I will need to unlock two padlocks to go through the iron grill.
When I finally reach the second floor, awaiting me is the wooden door with two locks. After the wooden door is the last iron grill with the final padlock to be removed.
Imagine the hassle of unlocking and locking that I have to go through everyday, when one lock is never enough...
When one lock is never enough, you know how heavy and how big is the bunch of keys I have to carry to work everyday...
So much for paying our tax money to the gov...