Mary and Pentecost

Very few of us take notice of Mary's role during Pentecost, the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles.

We dare to call Mary the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church and our Mother, not without valid reasons.

Recalling the Annunciation, after Mary said "Yes" to God's will, she became the first disciple of the Incarnated Word. Mary represented the whole of human race, and was the new Eve that pledged obedience to God. The Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she became the Mother of our Lord.

Now during Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles in tongues of flame. The Church was born, and Mary gave birth to the Church.

Remembering the crucifixion scene, at the foot of the Cross, the Lord said to Mary, "Woman, this is your son." And to John, "This is your Mother." Scripture puts it beautifully that "from then on, the disciple brought her home".

Summing all these, it is rightful to say that Mary is the role model of discipleship and apostleship. And she is the Mother of God, Mother of the Church, and our Mother.

Just like what happened at the Wedding at Cana, Mary will always point us to Jesus, "Listen to Him."

To Jesus, through Mary...
