Bad Breath

“You have a bad breath.” I was told.

“Are you sure?” My first response was of disbelief and denial.

I brush my teeth twice a day. I always carry in my pocket dental floss so that I can make sure I floss my teeth if possible after every meal. My teeth and gums are in good condition... How could my mouth stink?

I rinse my mouth regularly and gulp down gallons of plain H2O every day. I take 2 servings of fruits everyday and I have no digestion problem. How could it be?

“You certainly have a bad breath.” My colleague R stressed. “You should drink more water because I think you are heaty.” The Chinese believes that when your intestines are overheated, some kind of gas will be produced just like the burnt rubber smell from an overheated car engine.

At that, I moved from denial to acceptance.

Bad breath and body odour are like some dirty habits or attitude or problems that we have. Often, we ourselves are not aware of our own habits or attitude or the problems because we have grown so comfortable with them. Only an outsider who sees the clearer picture from the outside knows our real problem.

I really thanked my colleague for being an honest friend. If she had not told me, I would never realize that I had bad breath that day.

Yes, for an honest friend and odourless breath, I will take the advice and drink more water, and rest well...
