It Speaks To Me

Did you get the message?
What did the movie speak to you?
I watched “the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” last Saturday night. And the impact of the movie can still be felt. The second movie is clearly faster paced as compared to the first one whereby the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve needed to first discover the magical wardrobe that would lead them to the Land of Narnia.
The movie is a portrayal of our own life:
(1) No one had the faith to persevere for fear of death. Only Lucy the dear little friend continued to have faith without seeing.
(2) No one believed that King Aslan (a portrayal of Jesus) was still alive. Everyone fought for themselves, for their own vanity and vain glory. Peter was doubtful and at the same time curious why Lucy could see King Aslan (Jesus) but he could not. Was it not because their heart became hardened, their mind closed and their eyes blinded by their self righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude?
(3) No one saw that there could be other options. Everyone only saw death: either dying in their hideout or die in the battlefield. Only Lucy through her faith in King Aslan (Jesus) could see the hope beyond death.
(4) Caspian and Peter had almost given in to temptation when the White Witch offered them revenge and the sovereignty to rule both the kingdoms. Have we not given into temptations when life is getting tougher and tougher, when all efforts seem futile, when everything seems to be hopeless and helpless? Have we never thought of choosing White Witch (Satan) over King Aslan (Jesus) because all it takes is just one tiny little drop of blood?
The ending struck me most:
(1) The little girl Lucy stood fearlessly before the whole enemy troop. She was fearless because King Aslan (Jesus) was with her. She was sure that everything was possible with Aslan (Jesus) and nothing could shake her. Rightfully, Jesus said, “If you do not stand on me, you will not stand firm.” Who won the people of Narnia the battle? Not Sons of Adam or Daughters of Eve. It was the faith in Aslan (Jesus Christ) that won them the battle.
(2) The warriors genuflected before King Aslan. When asked to rise, Prince Caspian remained kneeling. He told Aslan that he was not ready. To that, King Aslan replied, “That is exactly why you are (ready)!” What a powerful image! I was always asking God, “When, Lord, when?” And clearly I have very poor self image and I did not see what I can be. I always think that I am not worthy and I am not ready. Yet, the message told me that it is in my unworthiness that I am ready for God’s plan.
Am I ready? Yes, I think I am now...
What did the movie speak to you?
I watched “the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” last Saturday night. And the impact of the movie can still be felt. The second movie is clearly faster paced as compared to the first one whereby the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve needed to first discover the magical wardrobe that would lead them to the Land of Narnia.
The movie is a portrayal of our own life:
(1) No one had the faith to persevere for fear of death. Only Lucy the dear little friend continued to have faith without seeing.
(2) No one believed that King Aslan (a portrayal of Jesus) was still alive. Everyone fought for themselves, for their own vanity and vain glory. Peter was doubtful and at the same time curious why Lucy could see King Aslan (Jesus) but he could not. Was it not because their heart became hardened, their mind closed and their eyes blinded by their self righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude?
(3) No one saw that there could be other options. Everyone only saw death: either dying in their hideout or die in the battlefield. Only Lucy through her faith in King Aslan (Jesus) could see the hope beyond death.
(4) Caspian and Peter had almost given in to temptation when the White Witch offered them revenge and the sovereignty to rule both the kingdoms. Have we not given into temptations when life is getting tougher and tougher, when all efforts seem futile, when everything seems to be hopeless and helpless? Have we never thought of choosing White Witch (Satan) over King Aslan (Jesus) because all it takes is just one tiny little drop of blood?
The ending struck me most:
(1) The little girl Lucy stood fearlessly before the whole enemy troop. She was fearless because King Aslan (Jesus) was with her. She was sure that everything was possible with Aslan (Jesus) and nothing could shake her. Rightfully, Jesus said, “If you do not stand on me, you will not stand firm.” Who won the people of Narnia the battle? Not Sons of Adam or Daughters of Eve. It was the faith in Aslan (Jesus Christ) that won them the battle.
(2) The warriors genuflected before King Aslan. When asked to rise, Prince Caspian remained kneeling. He told Aslan that he was not ready. To that, King Aslan replied, “That is exactly why you are (ready)!” What a powerful image! I was always asking God, “When, Lord, when?” And clearly I have very poor self image and I did not see what I can be. I always think that I am not worthy and I am not ready. Yet, the message told me that it is in my unworthiness that I am ready for God’s plan.
Am I ready? Yes, I think I am now...
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