Magis Prayer
You are always near to us:
in stillness and in action,
alone or with others,
in the familiar and in the strange.
May we always be aware
of Your holy presence,
so that we can boldly seek and find You in all things.
As a sign of Your intimacy, You sent Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Help us to know Him more deeply:
seeing as He sees,
loving as He loves,
and acting as He would have us do.
so that we may love Jesus more intensely
and follow Him ever more nearly.
(Note: St. Ignatius has always strived for the "more" (or known as magis) in everything that he did. And his spirituality has always challenged us to do more: more deeply, more intensely, more closely etc, all directed to the greater glory of God. And I always wonder what more can I do for God?)
(Top: Wan Zai, Zhu Hai, China; bottom: Koi Kei bakery, Macau)
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