No one likes problem. When problem comes, the heart feels burdened, the mind shrinks, muscles tense up, stomach gets upset; and everything seems out of place.
Of course, it is easy to point fingers at the whole world and blame others as devils that make my life difficult. And as usual, the culture, the mentality and the society are always at fault. I can always regard myself as the pathetic victim of injustice, indifference and immorality. I can continue to whine and grumble but nothing is going to change; nothing.
If the world around me is seriously wrong, why should I feel restless or guilty about that? I cannot change the world. Let the world be, for I am in the world but not of the world.
What if I am the trouble maker instead? What if I am suffering from my own wrong-doings? And because of my doing, I am at odd with the rest of the world?
“Take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” It is only humility through grace that I can see clearly into myself, into others, and into the problem more objectively.
Everything boils down to one simple question: what is my problem telling me about myself?
[Reflection on Matthew 7: 1-5]
(Ruins of St. Paul, Macau)
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