When Language Is A Barrier
I recall a friend of mine who has problem communicating in English. Back in campus when we were all busy with our final-year thesis, he had problem understanding the technical papers and journals which were all in English. And even now, he will let me check his e-mails first before sending to his colleagues, bosses or customers.
Previously, he was working on sites and paper work was minimal. Now, he is stationed in the office, things change, and he is required to communicate with internal and external parties, conducting meetings, handle internal audits, prepare reports... And I believe he is currently under a lot of stress.
Behind his smiles and laughter, I could sense his tension, his fear, and his struggles. He knows his stuffs, but knowledge has to be expressed in words through the use of language.
I am not good in English either. Every time when I hear people commenting about the improper use of the Queen’s language, I keep quiet for I know I am not in the right position to comment anything. And mind you, I do not even know what “egg plant” is until recently.
Language is definitely not something we can master overnight, but I am praying that my friend will be able to learn to overcome his problem. In God’s own way, and in His time, I pray.
(Fisherman's Wharf, Macau)
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